Keith Walton, Human Givens Therapist

Can I help you?

​Are you struggling with life?

Do you get very emotional sometimes without apparent reason?

Are you confident in facing the challenges in life?

Do you suffer from stress or low self-esteem?

I have helped many patients with these issues both in an NHS environment and privately.  I can work with you to help move forward to a better life too. Leave your past behind and live in the moment!

I offer therapy based on Human Givens principles from my home or remotely (eg by Zoom) in a pleasant and relaxing environment.

Human Givens also has a very effective technique, called ‘Rewind’ to work with and reduce the impact of life traumas (eg PTSD), whether from single events or from an adverse upbringing.

I have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS, used to be called CRB) disclosure.

My service is supportive, secure, non-judgemental and confidential.

Specialist Areas

  • Issues from childhood
  • Trauma / PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • Panic Attacks
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Low self-esteem

About me

Before becoming a Human Givens therapist, I worked in a variety of industries and government contexts.  I also do voluntary youth work. This allows me to bring a diverse range of life experience and understanding of people to my work.


  • Registered Member of the Human Givens Institute (HGI). The Register of qualified therapists held by the HGI is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care 
  • Advanced University Diploma in Hypnosis and stress management
  • MA, Cambridge University

​I am based in London SW19 (Wimbledon) United Kingdom

​I would be happy to have a free introductory discussion with you. My Therapy session are £60 each.

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Human Givens

If you are depressed and anxious, you are not a machine with malfunctioning parts. You are a human being with unmet needs – Johann Hari, writer

Human Givens recognises that we are born with physical and emotional needs – from food and warmth to having a purpose and being part of a community. 

We are born with the basic capabilities to get our emotional needs met.  These capabilities, such as making friends, develop through our lives.  When we feel a need (such as for food or love), we work to get it satisfied.  Our unmet emotions drive us to act.  When these innate abilities work well, and our needs are met, our lives are good.

If our needs go unmet, we experience stress, anxiety or depression which can lead to more severe emotional and mental health concerns.  These are signals that we are missing out in some areas of life and serve as calls to action.  Most times we can work to answer the call.  Sometimes however, we can be overwhelmed or stuck and cannot do what is needed.  This is a time to ask for help.

You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf – Jon Kabat-Zinn, Medical professor and meditation teacher

Because our psychological needs are part of us from birth we call them – and the innate resources we have to help us meet them – human ‘givens’.  They are the givens and drivers of human nature.

The key reasons why our needs might not be met are:

  • we live in a toxic environment, such as an abusive relationship, our work, or poverty, that prevents us from getting our basic needs met;
  • our internal guidance system is damaged – perhaps from birth, through an accident or due to trauma overwhelming us;
  • we lack the knowledge about how to meet our needs – we may not have learned (yet) how to do things well.  For instance, we may not be good at making friends, although it is a skill that can be taught and modelled.

Human Givens provides a practical and insightful model into why we may be unhappy, struggling, anxious or depressed.  Working with a Humans Givens therapist, you will be able to see clearly what your unmet needs are and how to use your resources to get them met and put your life back on track.

The Human Givens Needs

Do you feel you:

  • are secure – you have a safe environment and can develop?
  • get attention, and can give it to others;
  • have autonomy and control – you can make responsible choices;
  • can have emotional intimacy – at least one other person accepts you totally for who you are;
  • feel part of a wider community;
  • can have privacy to reflect and be yourself when you need it;
  • have a sense of status within social groupings;
  • have a sense of competence and achievement;
  • have meaning and purpose – you are stretched in what you do and think.


There are several effective ways to treat traumas.  The successful ones:

  • enable you to remain calm so you are not emotionally ‘hijacked’ by your past
  • let your mind reprocess the past events afresh and from afar, so that they move from being stored as immediate ‘danger’ triggers to being normal memories, removing their impact

The rewind technique is very effective way that meets these criteria and can treat both traumas and phobias, whether from a single event or, more often, from a difficult upbringing or relationship.

It’s non-invasive (you do not need to tell me about what happened if you do not want to) and quick, typically taking about 30 minutes.


“I feel so much calmer now & I’m totally back to my normal routine.”


“Professional, caring, understanding and very supportive.  Can’t thank him enough.”


“A huge thanks to Keith Walton for his expertise in providing me the right approach & dedication to deal with my worries & anxiety during the times when I was desperately needing help for my nervous breakdown. I feel more positive now & stronger in myself.”

Free download of my book
Understand your emotions: change your life

Life has its highs and lows. We all feel lost some of the time. These emotions are a message from your body: things are not working out for you. It could be time to do something different.
Imagine what life could be like if you could work with your emotions to make your life easier. Use smart ways to hear what your body is telling you and act on its wisdom.

This book tells you how.
Therapist Keith Walton has helped many people to understand what their emotions are telling them. Twenty years of research – courses, books, seminars and working with clients – has helped him discover what works and what does not. This knowledge and experience is distilled into this short and straightforward book. It is full of simple and practical ways for you to alter your own approach to life and improve your mental wellbeing.

PDF version

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